"Frozen Over" is a musical performance written and produced by Baldoyle Musical Society, based off of the Disney movie "Frozen". As a part of the production, they commissioned illustrated and animated backdrops to enhance the performance. This includes animated backdrops for dance numbers and illustrated backdrops for certain locations.

"Frozen Over" opening backdrop

Ice Castle Interior

Ice Castle Interior Thumbnail

Ice chandelier design exploration

Part of the commission was to create animated backdrops for a number of the musical numbers. One such example is for "Party in the USA" originally sung by Miley Cyrus. This included a set of american iconography from the song itself and the classic red, white and blue colour scheme in a simple series of looping patterns.

Animated backdrop for the dance number to Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA".

Animated backdrop for the musical number "Into the Unknown".

Similarly, a backdrop was commissioned for the big Act 2 song "Into the Unknown". Working in tandem with the lighting and sound engineers, the objective was to create a surge of snow as the emotion builds, while not stealing attention away from the singer.
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